
Sightings and Stratifications
Udo Schindler - bass & contrabass clarinet, cornet, soprano saxophone
Max Arsava - piano, tapes, sampler, objects
Gunnar Geisse - laptop guitar & virtual instruments
recorded july 2024 at Pianohaus Schwinghammer Weilheim
Max Arsava is a Berlin-based pianist, composer and improviser. He works mainly at the intersections of contemporary music, free jazz and electroacoustic music with a strong interest in DIY, free improvisation, noise rock and other forms of community-oriented experimentalism. Besides the piano, he also plays synthesizers and other electroacoustic devices working with tapes, radio, contact microphones, as well as loopers and samplers. read more
Schindler/Arsava/Geisse- sightings and stratifications (creative sources recordings, 2025)
Alex Bayer- a slight change of plans (klaeng records, 2024)
Max Arsava- nowhere dense (aut records, 2023)
werken- kollektive verkabelung (creative sources recordings, 2023)
Max Koch- ten bulls (jazzwerkstatt, 2023)
Max Arsava- inert concaves (label 11, 2021)
arsava.max (at) gmail.com